Tempor sit nunc, ac et non eu. Ultrices blandit vehicula vestibulum aliquam. Imperdiet faucibus at urna, sagittis.
Carla Ekstrom Bothman
Scelerisque sem amet, porttitor neque augue. Non augue eleifend massa sit scelerisque. Tortor enim ac sed diam purus gravida amet.
Gretchen Calzoni
Adipiscing nec amet, malesuada mattis vulputate massa id. Tempus elit odio turpis venenatis turpis ut. Vulputate ac penatibus.
Lydia Dokidis
Jayashri collection gives you the Joy of wearing the best with providing jewelry as precious as you!
JC has been in this business for more than 20 years. Along with one showroom in Dadar and 3 showrooms in Thane, Jayashri Collection has Thane’s first 3000 sq ft, 3 floors imitation jewelry showroom. We would proudly like to share that all of our showrooms are elevated. With more than 20 years of expertise, we also provide jewelry to various tv shows. Janhvi mangalsutra was one of the famous mangalsutras from Jayashri Collection.